2 Corinthians 5:7 NKJV
[7] For we walk by faith, not by sight.
Sometimes faith may require that you take a risk, but the rewards of faith is far better than the comfort of fear. Faith will enlarge your world and allow you to boldly walk where fearful hearts won’t even look. Faith will break the limits around you and make all things possible. It is far better to live by faith than to live in fear. It’s time for you to live by faith.
I have no fear in me.
I live by faith.
Prophetic Instructions.
Decide to live by faith and go for Gods purpose for your life.
Listen to the voice of the Spirit as you go along making decisions concerning your life.
Don’t let the fear of failure imprison you in your comfort zone.
Don’t let the fear of what people might think or say make you a prisoner of the opinions of others.
Step out in faith and live a life that is worthy of the gospel.
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Pastor Gerald Hugo
Power on Demand Daily Devotions.
As you focus on winning souls; God will focus on your problems. Take His yoke, it's easy.