1 Kings 17:9 NKJV
“Arise, go to Zarephath, which belongs to Sidon, and dwell there. See, I have commanded a widow there to provide for you.”
You cant sit in one place and wait for a blessing. You have to get up and go out there and go after what you want from God. Waiting for better days is not going to change anything. Some people keep saying next year I am going to buy a car, next year I am going to build a house, next year I am going to pay all my debts, next year I will get married. They postpone everything to next year. They expect something magical to happen. Nothing is going to happen until you arise and make it happen.
I will arise and do great things.
I refuse to be reluctant.
Prophetic Instructions.
Don’t wait for better days. Arise and create your perfect day by the power and authority God has given you.
Don’t wait for next year. Why don’t you start with next year’s improvements today.
Use every sunrise as an opportunity to do great things.
Refuse to lazy around and waste your time with senseless activities.
Rise up and pray right now, and stir yourself up for great things.
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Pastor Gerald Hugo
Power on Demand Daily Devotions.
As you focus on winning souls; God will focus on your problems. Take His yoke, it's easy.