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Don’t be too busy to pray

Genesis 28:16 NKJV

Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, "Surely the LORD is in this place, and I did not know it."

Have you ever been so overwhelmed by challenges or too busy to pause and pray? Jacob was so overwhelmed by the family problems he was facing that he had no time to pray. He did not know he was in the presence of God. Sometimes, we can be so overwhelmed by the demands of our day or the challenges we are facing that we neglect to pause and pray. We forget to get in touch with the Holy Spirit for His direction for our future.


I make time to hear from God.

I am never too busy to pray.

Prophetic Instructions.

When you are facing trials and challenges, don’t neglect to pray.

Make the Holy Spirit your closest companion when you are dealing with the challenges of life.

Slow down, make time to pray, and hear the voice of the Lord today.

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Join us today from 09h00-10h00 for a special times of devotion, prayer and intercession on our radio station in the “grace Tabernacle church” App.

Every Tuesday we dedicate an hour for intercessory prayers. You can tune in on the radio and pray with us.

Make someone's day by sharing this Devotion with your friends, family, contacts and other groups.

Pastor Gerald Hugo

Power on Demand Daily Devotions.

As you focus on winning souls; God will focus on your problems. Take His yoke, it's easy.


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